Look no farther, I have a limited supply of the "magic" ingredient in the Classified Caddis Pupa as seen in my new book.  Many of you out there have inquired about obtaining this wonderful dubbing, and now I have it in stock.  I plan on having this in stock regularly, so don't fret once this batch runs dry.  Currently, I have about 10 packages of each color used in the various caddis colors you may encounter, Tan, Caddis Green, Chartreuse, Cream, Grey, Olive, Olive/Grey, Rust, and Black Caddis.


In order to purchase some, its simple, just email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. what colors and how many packages of each you would like.  The packages of dubbing are $3.00 each plus shipping ($3.00) and state sales tax only applicable for those in state.  I may even bring in some of the other colors if there is enough interest, some of which is rather great for tying scuds, like that old Simple Scud I showed you all a few years back.  Email me if interested, paypal or personal checks accepted.