Hi there everybody, I hope this post finds you all safe and healthy and managing to find some sort of routine in our rather foreign set of circumstances. Maybe you even are getting out on the water on some sort of regular instance somewhere close to home as well; or your shacked up at home tending to your yard, and tying a bunch of flies. I know when we come out of this, many of us will have some pretty darn nicely groomed lawns, our houses will be a bit neater and our fly boxes full.
As we move into what many of us consider the heart of the fishing season, I figured it was long overdue to get this particular fly pattern to video so you all could take a stab at it. The Sucker Punch, formerly known as the Chuggernaut is one of my favorite surface popper style patterns to tie and fish. As you will see, the tying sequence is rather easy, and highly durable accounting for a multitude of species in both the fresh and saltwater realm. So that being said, grab your coffee, sit back and enjoy the video.